General Records of the Department of the Navy. 1941 - 2004. Moving Images Relating to Military Activities. 1947 - 1980. KEEL LAYING OF USS LAFAYETTE (SSBM-616) AND CITATION TO VADM H. G. RICKOVER Electris Boat Division, General Dynamics Corp., Groton, Connecticut


General Records of the Department of the Navy. 1941 - 2004. Moving Images Relating to Military Activities. 1947 - 1980. KEEL LAYING OF USS LAFAYETTE (SSBM-616) AND CITATION TO VADM H. G. RICKOVER Electris Boat Division, General Dynamics Corp., Groton, Connecticut


1) MS Unidentified officer boarding USS NAUTILUS (SSN 571); he is greeted on quarter deck; podium set up on deck of sub.2) MS VADM RICKOVER boards sub for ceremony.3) MS Secretary of the Navy WILLIAN S. FRANKE boards sub. G4) MS Sub crewmembers face outboard. G5) MS VIP"s stand, all hands come to salute (SV). G6) CU Navy band playing for ceremony at which VADM RICKOVER will receive DSM from MR. FRANKE. G7) MS Crewmembers face aft toward colors. G8) MS VIP"s face aft, at salute. G9) MS LT J. F. LaBON, JR., CHC, USN, gives invocation from rostrun aboard SSN, G10) MS VADM E. W. GRENFELL, COMSUBLANT, steps up to rostrum, welcomes French ambeasador to United States, MR. HERVE ALPHAND & Secretary of the Navy FRANKE. G11) MS MR. ALPHAND removes his hat, delivers speech; VIPs seated behind ambassador; open water, BG. G12) MS VIP"s rise, Secretary of the Navy FRANKE shakes hands with unidentified USN officer; MR. FRANKE steps up to rostrum, removes his hat, VIP"s take seats, MR. FRANKE commences with speech. G13) MS Sub crewmembers, at quarters, face forward; battery of news & movie camoras. G14) CU Secretary of the Navy delivers speech aboard sub; VADM RICKOVER seated behind. G15) MS MR. FRANKE presents DSM to VADM RICKOVER; VIP"s applaud. G16) CU Unidentified officer at rostrum; VADM RICKOVER, MR. FRANKE look on.17) MS MR. FRANKE shakes hands with VADM RICKOVER after medal presentation.18) MS VADM RICKOVER speaks after presentation. F19) MS MR. ALPHAND shakes hands with VADM RICKOVER, ambassador takes seat; VADM RICKOVER shakes hands with officers, takes seat. G20) MS Guests, on dock, watch ceremony. VG21) MS Guests on dock. G22) MS Secretary of the Navy FRAMKE disembarks from sub, followed by vice admiral, French Ambassador. G23) CU VADM GRENFELL & others leave sub after ceremony. G24) CU Officers & guests mingle in yard. G25) CU Sedan pulls away fith Secretary of the Navy FRANKE aboard. G26) MS Sign alongside brow of sub, "USS NAUTILUS, SSN-571;" sub at dock. G27) MS Cable runs from sub; cable will furnish power for crane & welder for keel laying of USS LAFAYETTE (SSBN-616).27) CU Sign, "ATOMIC POWER, SSN-571, NAUTILUS." G28) MS NAUTILUS at pier.29) MS Cable runs from deck hatch aboard SSN to dock. G30) MS Sign on pier, "ATOMIC POWER, SSN-571, NAUTILUS, " alongside cable. G31) MS Sign running down pier.32) MS Cable runs along & down side of pier to crane. G33) MS Same as scene (31); sign hangs from steel beams. G34) MS Workman turns on power for welder & crame; sign above panel. G35) MS Decorated ways where keel is being layed for SSBN; workman walks toward draped flag. G36) CU Sign, "USS LAFAYETTE, SSBN-616; KEEL LAYED JANUARY 17, 1961." G37) MS Keel hangs from crane hook; several workers stand below. G38) MS Keel swung over to blocks by crane.39) HA MS Secretary of the Navy FRANKE & VADM RICKOVER arrive for keel laying. G40) HA MLS VADM RICKOVER & MR. FRANKE arrive to speaker"s stand. G41) MCU French ambassador, vice admiral, Secretary of the Navy on speaker"s stand. G42) MCU Sub keel hangs from crane hook, swung toward camera over keel block.44) CU Portion of keel, speaker"s stand. GtoF45) ECU End of keel lowered to blocks by crane; worker, FG, directs crane operator.46) CU Worker hangs onto guy line, secured to keel.47) ECU Keel placed on blocks; sign, USS LAFAYETTE, SSBN-616." G48) CU French ambassador speaking over microphone on speaker"s stand.49) CU Secretary of the Navy delivers speech from stand; portion of keel. G50) LA CU French tri-colors & American colors flying from two poles during keel laying. G51) MS Secretary of the Navy delives speech from stand; VIP"s look on; MR. FRANKE completes speech, shakes hands with ambassador; worker places apron around Secretary of the Navy. G52) MS Secretary of the Navy welding his initials on keel plate for SSBN, he uses weler"s torch, wears face guard. G53) HA MS VADM RICKOVER looks on; French ambassador welds initials on keel plate; VIP"s look on. G

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SNAC Resource ID: 6503910

National Archives at College Park

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